Farming Level 50 - 55 Rising Force Online Indonesia

Farming Level 50 - 55 Rising Force Online Indonesia

05.55 0
For you guys who still enjoy farming Aether but the level of labas to 48 because of the forgotten turunin exp ^_^, don't panic because I here will explain how...
Farming OC Rising Force Online

Farming OC Rising Force Online

05.44 1
For all of you who are already over 55, but to the 55 can still be farming in bio and elan. level 55 the right to search for RF Online currency on Indonesia. Maybe...
Tips and Tricks Farming RF ONLINE INDONESIA

Tips and Tricks Farming RF ONLINE INDONESIA

05.25 0
Ok just, here I will explain about the tips and tricks farming RF Online Indonesia of each nation and each job, because this is my experience over 6 years of playing...