Advanced Tips and tricks of Farming RF ONLINE INDONESIA

I will continue the Tricks and Tips farming RF Online Indonesia ^_^

Want to have a lot of currency in RF Online without spending Dollars in the slightest?

OK, go aja still surrounding farming Aether. Create agan agan who wanted to have much currency (cp/disena/dallant) without removing the rupiah was extremely easy, but did not immediately get it, except through his business venture, it's what? The farming  ^_^.

For level 45-47 for which equip pas-pas might be for an acc first choice is farming the Aether although bullied and die due to equip pas-pas. But for cora and bellato level 45 equip pas a pas can be an Elite Force of farming in Sette. Because basically farming force more yielding currencies compared with the farming of the Aether, although without the premium service farming force more profitable.

The largest drop for farming calliana is at the level of 45-47, farming calliana the most delicious is to use job Striker and Mage, because a lot of skill area, the Warrior can also equip, but with area pas pas 2 x monster skill whether an area can go die? Maybe dead but not all dead ^_^

For job Mage and Striker, on job mage skill area that allows many to kill monsters at the same time, while job for a striker there bullet launcher and skill areas compound to kill the beast ^_^.

So basically for farming Calliana level 45-47 with an fitting fitting of equipment better suited for the job the striker and mage. For the warrior farming calliana Aether must have weapons upgraded wind element so that calliana can die in 2 ^_^ attack, but for the casual players who are patient and strong back and forth for farming I recommend using a striker and mage ^_^.

For level 45-47 at the time of farming calliana although not using the Premium Service drop is not too little, the drop rate of Premium service and Premium service does not so much, because 1 monster premium service is tantamount to 2 monsters without premium service ^_^. on


A: Why farming sette more profitable than farming the Aether?
B: Because farming Aether always USA team, otherwise any USA team that there is a certain time, for example: the morning hours at the time of war until midday at the time, 10an hour war, afternoon at the moment ahead of the maghrib, and the night is usually always USA team, comparison of farming force vs. The Aether was more profitable farming farming sette, due in 1 hour we can get more than 2 force, such as getting an expensive entangle and meteor , usually entangle and meteor at auction price 15jt ++ if multiplied by 2 = 1 h, so get the 30jt 30jt. While farming the Aether without picker only 1 h 10-15jt only.

A: If a cheap forcenya dapet as confuse, sloth and how?
B; If the second force dapet ya can be compared to the Aether, because the price of farming both the force if the practice is tantamount to farming ether during 1 h i.e. 10jt + + ^_^

A: But kan nungguin sold at auction was gan?
B: no kok if we sell while farming, especially kerasa klo ga once selling 1 bag might get rich instantly sudden ^_^

It is possible for the lover of cora/bels to follow trick farming force/ether ^_^

The first tips and tricks of farming RF Online Indonesia from me ^_^

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