Tips and Tricks Farming RF ONLINE INDONESIA

Ok just, here I will explain about the tips and tricks farming RF Online Indonesia of each nation and each job, because this is my experience over 6 years of playing RF Online Indonesia.

For the farming level 30-40 at the All Race was easy, namely:

  1. Farming Anabola ACE cyst located in the Valley of Death in the Armory - 213, Cora Crimson Beach, the Grand Palace, Bellato in Solus or Anacade, farm simple here, and the monster is also easy to kill, why are level 30-40 in anabola cyst? The answer is very simple, which is not only safe in monster Anabola Cyst there is also a lot of armor and weapons to level 40 intense and smooth. In addition, there blidend broadcasting that can be sold at auction at a price equal to the gli and used to make weapons injure, intense, as well as to Raise PT Production for special job.
  2. Farming Brutal Ace located in the air hangar Armory - 117 and in Ger. Snatcher in Armory - 213, Cora Beach Crimson Palace Haram and in the Temple, Palace Numerus, Bellato Fort Solus or Fort Anacade, farming brutal is not much different from the farming anabola, because Drop of Brutal and Anabola is the same, but I suggest for that does not use the Premium Service for farming Anabola cyst Drop Ace for more than Brutal.
  3. Farming Hobo and Passer at Term. Lockout or in Kar. Graveyard in Ether, Cora Cora approached Field Term Lemon or Kar. Graveyard, Bellato in Bells Repairs or Term. Lockout, so much farming here because the drop is very interesting and certainly safe. Normal drop as Brutal and Anabola, but there are more interesting farming Hobo and Passer, because farming in these monsters are equip intense or plain level 45, and most interestingly of these monsters often drop Elemental three nations from low to high.

From all the above three ways farming more effective use Specialist job because they do not spend a lot of time to kill the monster. But all the jobs can also be farming on this monster because it does not hurt when a monster is attacking. Maybe it was farming that long because the drop is not too expensive, but for having a minimal equip farming right here while leveling ^ _ ^. For the position of those who do not know the folder can be seen from the pictures that I post.

Special Elite Force for Farming Bellato and Cora and specialized level 40-45.

  1. For farm force can only farm Bellato and Cora, but forcenya acc can not be sold because there is no job force in acc.
  2. Farming force on Cora was very easy because it does not spend a lot of money to buy equip, and very simple at all, especially for Cora, since no job Cora Grazier and very easy to use job Grazier farm. Ie only by using Hecate, because monsters will miss when attacking Hecate. How to use Hecate farming was easy, namely: we only ordered Hecate to attack and draw a lot of monsters turncoant in sette, then bring Hecate tight walls that monster standing flat, then commanded Hecate attacking monsters. Monster will die simultaneously, as Hecate attack the area, except die hard Black Knight monster because the monster is too much blood and can withstand attacks using prisainya. Farming this force takes patience, as if the monster dies, not necessarily monsters drop jamming force. Tricks force farming is that we must be patient beat up monsters up to more than 1 hour, if hockey did not need to 1 hour force has emerged, well when we stayed grab force emerged forcenya course, another drop leave it. Then immediately attack the monsters again, constantly, because if force has appeared once, then force it will appear continuously canal.
  3. Farming here lebihmenguntungkan, because the price of an elite force expensive, especially when we get a force that is most often used, for example: entangle, chain lightning, meteor, venom breath. Within 1hr farming can produce more force than 30jt currency. Very large extended without a lot of capital and do not need the Premium Service ^ _ ^
  4. Likewise in Bellato farming force elite, farming force elite in Bellato as well as farming in Cora, only different in attacking monsters, I do not really know the job what is most comfortable for farming force in race Bellato, because my original player Cora and Accretia ^ _ ^
  5. For a warrior job are advised to use weapons that have the element of Fire because, monster sette turncoant in the elements of earth, and on the ground Rf online can be defeated by the fire.
  6. More effective use force farming artist or metal smith, because we only struck the monster, looking drop only ^ _ ^
  7. Farming this force can only be in a folder on Turncoant Sette Desert.

Farming ether and safest spot on the map ether for three nations:

  1. Farming ether in order to more effectively and rapidly gaining much currency is to bring picker. Picker is tasked mengabil goods obtained from killing calliana. In addition to the price drop of caliana is quite expensive, at this caliana often there are high and low elemental.
  2. For farming ether mainly caliana sure you already know, well here I will explain the most comfortable spot and not too violent for farming caliana.
  3. Spot safest for farming calliana in ether is a spot in the Land of Jack. Why is arguably the most secure?
  4. Because farming spot on the ground jack of reach third position of the nation, and this spot is the most comfortable spot for farming, because even a little monster, but monsters no longer respawn, even picker pick Keith Abis already spown monster. That's why many people who nguasain Land for Jack to play chaos ^ _ ^ this most delicious spot for the farmer, especially warrior who possessed picker.
  5. Spot somewhat safe in a special Lemon Field Cora, because at this spot caliana respawn not too close, so it can only mebunuh 1 caliana, or beta passer. But if farming relaxing place here because disni secure and otherwise slowing premium currency gain, because its drop slightly, so it should be a premium service unless emotion event Saturday drop + pt ^ _ ^
  6. Farming lures, nah farming here a bit difficult when you're unrest, then farming in lures should use equip adequate, but there are also spot secure lures, which is close to the boat and swept lures, spot safely aboard because if there is a riot live bug in the ship, run run behind the boat until the tumultuous bored ^ _ ^, corner spot may be considered safe because people are not necessarily visited the spot as far or lazy: D

So first tips and tricks farming Rf Online.
There will be continued again ^ _ ^
Interested to become farmer 30-40? or are interested in farming force? or are interested in farming calliana ether?

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