Farming Level 50 - 55 Rising Force Online Indonesia

For you guys who still enjoy farming Aether but the level of labas to 48 because of the forgotten turunin exp ^_^, don't panic because I here will explain how farming and where farming level 50-55, so if anyone's up to level 48 labas, yes mending all alone raise 50 in order to move the place of farming ^_^: v.

If job striker, mage, warrior I recommend to continue to level 50 or 55 level, becauseat level segini Besides you guys could use a high level weapons, you guys can also be farming in Draco's monsters in the Elan, because at level 50-55 is the largest dropfrom monsters of draco.

For farming draco does not need a GG or equip ++, because it could also use a standard of equipment. Monster draco not too hard and not too sick for the player that uses simple, to equip striker at least using the red bullet and land siege, to warrior I recommend using weapons element of the ground, and for a mage you live TB wrote using hecate ^_^.

In addition to farming of draco in elan, level 50-55 on monster farming can Kurr in VC, on these monsters can use the bullet element, ground, senjta ground elements, because the wind owns kurr was surpassed by the ground. On monster kurr and draco drop not far different from calliana, but most likely produce low-high on the elemental monsters kurr. Since I often get these monsters on the elemental ^_^.

If you have job specialists put up a tower, you're lucky to be a farmer, because the farm using the tower of 50 and above can already keep yourself protected with the tower, the tower we could farming while PVP's and not spend a lot of time to hit andpick, because the attacks are entirely on the tower, and the owner only lived a pick-up only.

For the owner who has a special char idle better you wear make farming, at level 50-55 there is a separate place for farming for a secure and comfortable spec ^_^

Farming a Bio Lab level 50-55:

Farming in the bio lab drop similar to farming at calliana, draco, and kurr, who distinguish here there is no elemental trash such as elemental fire, wind, and others, Dropon the monsters in the bio lab you can see on the SS here.

That's the illustration of farming in the bio lab, but I can not tell how, because it can ruin the game, I just want to tell farming to level 50-55 ^_^
Farming a bio lab at most of his drop was when the level 53-55, on a monster like inSS, revenue farming bio lab in 1 h 20-30jt. in farming it only takes 4 tower only level50, and only 2 tower to tower 55 levels, if you can bugnya you are lucky because you are simply using the 1 tower, here I will not explain bugnya.

This is the lab bio farming farming the most secure before the cheater leveling in the bio lab, because this is the bio lab folder most rarely visited by the player RF Online, because besides its far, here the beast is also quite sick to attack without adequate equipment.

Farming Passer and Hobo Jungles Silence Elan:

This monster on Farning is very simple, you only need to use 2 seed tower 50, and you also have to be strong to withstand the attacks of monsters, because if these monsters in 1 hit, his friend will follow suit.

Farming here very enjoyable, aside from Pvp while an here are also many weaponsweapons level 50 plain, A, intense, where intense level 50 weapon prices were fair. Farming on these monsters drop at most is a level 53 + +, drop in on this same percis monsters with a drop at the ABA. Farming on these monsters can manually use the warrior, mage, striker. But generally the farming on these monsters using job specialists tower, because it takes a lot of time to kill the monsters. Here SS Farming on these monsters.

That's about to farming hobo elan, farming on these monsters very steady once let alone use specialists, because we lived just pick ^_^
Farming here I expect pretty much the same with the farming of the Aether, but more farming on hobo elan this, 1 h = 20jt without ^_^ picker.

How? interested in farming Draco elan? Kurr Vc? Bio Lab? or Passer and hobo elan?If interested please try and feel the freshness of the farming capital of equipment only premium ^_^

Kujungi also: RF ONLINE, RF Online Indonesia, Rising Force Online, Online games, Futurtistic games, Fantasy games, Robotic, Spaceship, Technology, Lytogame

Visit our blog, hopefully keep tricks and useful tips from us for you who want to but can't have farming equip an adequate ^_^


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